Welcome to WOW-IE the new Met Éireann version of WOW.
WOW stands for Weather Observations Website. It is a global network of weather observations where the public can view and share their measurements. Users can freely view, share, compare and archive current and previous weather observations from privately-owned weather stations and official National Meteorological Service weather stations.
Met Éireann has partnered with the United Kingdom Met Office (UKMO) WOW website to provide an Irish website where the public can view and participate in the worldwide network of weather observations. You can view data on maps, and also in greater detail in tables and graphs. Data can also be downloaded.
Registered sites show all weather stations on the WOW database, whether active or non-active.
WOW was developed by the Met Office (the UK's National Weather Service) with the aim of creating a free web service for climate observers' reporting of weather observations, helping educate children about weather and encourage further growth in the amateur weather observing community. WOW is also a database where all observation data is stored.
It is managed by Met Office and since it launched in 2011, over 10,000 weather stations in 220 countries have reported over one billion weather observations. In November 2012 WOW won "Best Use of Cloud Services" and "IT Project Demonstrating Most Effective Use of Collaborative Technology" at the prestigious UK IT Industry Awards. WOW's popularity continues to grow with an average of over four million observations being received every month.
Met Éireann is part of the international WOW committee board. The other National Meteorological Services members and their WOW website links are UK, New Zealand, Netherlands & Belgium.
But WOW-IE is more than just collecting and sharing data. It gives Met Éireann weather information about places where we do not measure.
It is the only website where you can view current and previous weather conditions of Met Éireann's weather stations on a map.
WOW-IE provides an ideal tool for weather education (see also our Education page on met.ie), we encourage schools to installs a weather station and connect to WOW-IE.
By joining the WOW network, your measurements are presented to a large group of potential users who can benefit from them. Conversely, you get access to all network observations.
To become part of the WOW network, you need a WOW-compatible weather station, internet connection and create a user account with Met Office. Further details are in our Education and Submit Data menus. Your observations are sent to Met Office WOW database and then presented at wow.met.ie on the map together with observations from official stations. Contribute your observations and learn all about the weather where you live.
Here is our WOW banner used at public events such as the Ploughing Championships 2019, Young Scientist 2020 and ESB Science Blast 2020: